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Port Elliot Primary School Behaviour Code

Port Elliot Primary Community values, promotes and encourages respect and responsibility.

Community  Confidence  Respect

What do we do about bullying?

  • We listen and talk to the person who has been bullied, other children and teachers.

  • We use a process called Restorative Justice. This helps each person work together to find a solution to a problem and work together to repair the relationship

  • Formal agreement is the documented.

  • If required we put in place negotiated consequences for a person who has bullied. These consequences can include playtime detention, suspensions and exclusions.

  • All critical incidences are recorded and reported to the Regional Director. If the principal deems the incident to be an assault then SAPOL are then contacted.

  • Parents and Caregivers are informed.

Student Mobile Devices

  • Smart phones, tablets, iPods, iPads and other such devices are NOT allowed in the classroom or yard 8.15am—3.45pm.

  • Devices should be stored in a safe place and turned off.

  • Students bring electronic devices to school at their own risk

  • Students may not use devices to call, text or message while at school.